Old Town Cemetery
Burkholder Plot
Burkholder Plot
Carroll Connelly Burlholder
Zelda Worley Burkholder
James A Browning and Lena Nelson Browning
James A Browning and Lena Nelson Browning
George W Browning and Nannie Lindsey Browning
John T Browning
base of John T Browning's tombstone
Fannie Browning, daughter of John T. Browning
Herring Plot
George J Herring
Lona Mae Herring
George Mills plot
Calvin Ray Mills and Jean Hunter Mills
Dayton and Iva Mills
E. T. and Dixie Mills
Charley Drew Worley plot
Charley Drew Worley plot
Charley Drew Worley
Thelma Robinson Worley
Alfred Goodwill Worley plot
Alfred Goodwill Worley plot
Lodi Simmons Worley, wife of Alfred Goodwill Worley
Joseph Simmons Worley plot
Joseph Simmons Worley plot
Joseph Simmons Worley, son of Alfred Goodwill Worley and Lodi Simmons Worley
Jane R Worley, wife of Joseph S Worley
Leroy Chester Worley plot
Leroy Chester Worley
Laura Burns Worley, wife of Leroy Chester Worley
Neva Gertrude Worley Thomas, daughter of Charles DeLoach Worley, wife of Cody Thomas
Katherine Belle "Kale" Worley, daughter of Charley DeLoach Worley